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Applications - Where to Start

Understanding the application process and how to get get started.

Updated over 5 months ago

Applications are a recruitment tool that allows users to apply to your organization using an existing Better Impact profile, or by creating a new one. Depending on the type of user applying (Volunteer, Client, Donor, Member), the process will look slightly different.

The Application Process

The application process is made up of 2 steps.

In Step One of the application (or donor information form) users will create a Better Impact profile or log in with an existing profile.

In Step Two they will answer the custom questions that you have created.

Both steps of the application process have customizable elements.

Once the user hits 'submit' at the end of the application, their profile is connected to your account and the information entered as part of the application process will be visible to administrators when viewing the user's profile.

Volunteer Impact accounts have 3 Volunteer applications available. To learn more about the various approaches to using these 3 applications, click here.

To get started with creating an application you can begin by creating content:

Adding Content to Your Application

3 types of fields can be used to add content/questions to the application:

  • Custom Fields

  • Qualifications

  • General Interests

It is also possible to have users fill in additional fields on MyImpactPage after they apply. This can be helpful as there may be some information you don't need from them at the initial point of contact. Additionally, you can create fields that are not visible to the user that can be used to track administrative tasks and notes.

To learn more about which type of field to create, see this help article.

Note: Qualifications and General Interests can only be added to Volunteer applications as these are both features of Volunteer Impact.

Once you have added content to your application you can determine how you want the application to work in Application Form Settings

Application Form Settings

In addition to adding content to your application, you can also adjust the Application Form Settings to customize the user experience such as the welcome email, on screen messaging and more. See this article to learn more

Previewing the Application

To preview the application process and the changes that you have made, navigate through Configuration >> Application Form Settings. Select the form you would like to view and then [Interactive Sample Form].

While using the interactive sample form, you won't need to fill in any of the fields. You can simply click through the application leaving the fields blank.

Applications and Your Public Volunteer Page

The Public Volunteer page works in tandem with your applications to recruit volunteers. The video below shares more about how your can stream volunteers to specific application on your Public Volunteer Page. To learn more about this page, click here:

Understanding the Application Form

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