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Public Volunteer Page Settings

Configure your Public Volunteer Page to support your recruitment efforts

Updated over 2 months ago

About this feature: The Public Page, or Home Page, for your account is a great recruitment tool that is available to showcase your organization, and the opportunities for individuals to get involved. Once customized, a link to the Public Page can be posted on your organization’s website, used in your social media, or sent directly to prospective applicants.

Mission Statement

  1. Go to: Configuration, then click on “Public Volunteer Page Settings” found in the sidebar under Recruitment.

  2. Scroll down to the “Mission Statement” section

  3. Check the box to make the Mission Statement appear on the Public Page

  4. Custom Title for Mission Statement: Type over the default text to create a custom title

  5. Enter the text of your Mission Statement. You can also include links, images, and/or videos.

  6. Click the [Save General Settings] button

General Interests

  1. Go to: Configuration, then click on “Public Volunteer Page Settings” found in the sidebar under Recruitment.

  2. Scroll down to the “General Interests” section

  3. Show General Interests: Check the box to indicate if you would like the General Interests to appear on the public page

  4. Card Display: Check the box to indicate if you would like the General Interests to appear as cards (instead of single-line links) on the public page

  5. Custom Title for General Interests: Type over the default text to create a custom title

  6. View General Interests that are active and set to display on the public page; to edit, click on the [Manage General Interests] button

    • A separate tab will open to the General Interests page

  7. Click the [Save General Settings] button

Public Page Title

  1. Go to: Configuration, then click on “Public Volunteer Page Settings” found in the sidebar under Recruitment.

  2. In the “General Settings” section, custom text can be entered in “Public Page Title” text box. If no text is entered, it will default to your organization’s name.

    • Note: The title will take on the branding setting associated with the Title Bar Text colour.

  3. Click the [Save General Settings] button

Public Page Volunteer Message

  1. Go to: Configuration, then click on “Public Volunteer Page Settings” found in the sidebar under Recruitment.

  2. In the “General Settings” section, enter any text that you would like to display in your “Public Page Volunteer Message

  3. Click the [Save General Settings] button

Public Activities

  1. Go to: Configuration, then click on “Public Volunteer Page Settings” found in the sidebar under Recruitment

  2. Scroll down to the Public Activities section

  3. View Activities that are active and set to display on the public page; to edit, click on the [Manage Activities] button

  4. A separate tab will open to the Manage Activities page

Generate Link to Public Volunteer Page

  1. Go to: Configuration, then click on “Public Volunteer Page Settings” found in the sidebar under Recruitment

  2. Click on the [Generate Link] button at the top right corner

  3. Use the dropdown menu to select the preferred application form

  4. Link Text: Enter custom text if desired

  5. Click the [Generate Link] button; a long URL that you can add to your website, a short URL that can be sent to someone or be used for social media, and HTML code will be available

Social Media Feeds and Widgets:

If your organization’s social media has been added to the account, you will have the option to show the feeds or widgets on the public page, depending on the type of social media.

  1. Go to Configuration, then click on “Public Volunteer Page Settings” found in the sidebar under Recruitment.

  2. Scroll down to the “Social Media” section and select any of the following options:

    1. Show X feed on public pages

    2. Show Flickr feed on public pages

    3. Show Facebook widget on public pages

  3. Click the [Save Social Media Settings] button at the bottom of the page

Share Settings:

To control whether or not the “Share This” option (sharing information via social media such as Facebook, X, etc.) displays:

  1. Go to Configuration, then click on “Public Volunteer Page Settings” found in the sidebar under Recruitment.

  2. Scroll down to the “Share This Control Settings” in the “Social Media” section

  3. Show Share This control on public pages: Check this box to enable the “Share This” control on your home page, as well as any Activity detail page; sharing the URL of the page on which it appears.

  4. Click the [Save Social Media Settings] button at the bottom of the page

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