The Volunteer Experience – Video Overview
Add Volunteer Profile – Individual Applies Online
Ideally, new volunteers will join your organization using one of the online applications for your organization. To do this:
Generate a signup link to add to your website
Provide the link to whomever is responsible for your organization’s website, or send the link directly to a potential volunteer.
Note: Volunteers that are new to start off by entering their contact information. If a date of birth is required on the application form, the volunteer cannot specify the current year as their year of birth. Applicants are required to enter at least one contact phone number.
Applicants with an existing profile bypass the entry of their contact information. The application process will check to see if the volunteer has a date of birth (if required), phone number, and primary email address entered in their existing profile. It will also ensure that they have acknowledged your organization’s policies (if required).
For an overview of the Application Process click here
Responding to a New Applicant - Video Overview
User statuses are not changed automatically by the system. An admin must manually change a volunteer's status. This can be done one volunteer at a time or in bulk.
We recommend creating internal process documentation for your administrators which will outline the steps a volunteer is required to complete before their status is changed. Custom Fields can be created in Better Impact to help you track exactly which step of the onboarding process a volunteer is currently at as well as other onboarding notes.
Example Breakdown of Statuses and Onboarding Steps
Example Breakdown of Statuses and Onboarding Steps
Applicant Status
Volunteer applies online
Administrator reviews profile on the Manage Applicants page
If approved - the applicant is sent an email to schedule an interview, their status is changed to In Process
If rejected - the applicant is sent a rejection email, their status is changed to Archived - Rejected
In Process Status
Volunteer completes interview
Administrator updates their profile with any interview notes and final decision
If approved - the applicant is sent an email to complete the final paperwork
If rejected - the applicant a rejection email, their status is changed to Archived - Didn't Start
Accepted Status
Volunteer has completed required paperwork
Administrator updates volunteer status to accepted
Administrator updates the "Date Accepted" custom field within the volunteer profile
The information shared below will show you how to manage your Applicants and In Process Volunteers within Better Impact.
Manage Applicant and In Process Profiles
Go to: People, then click on either “Manage Applicants” or “Manage In Process” found in the sidebar under Volunteers:
Manage Applicants: On the right-hand side of your screen, you will see the “Date Joined” and “Date Applied”
Manage In Process: On the right-hand side of your screen, you will see the “Date Joined” and “Date Changed”
Mouse over the Options icon to the left of a volunteer’s name and select the desired choice:
View – view the volunteer’s profile
Edit – edit the volunteer’s profile
Send Email – send an email to the volunteer
Send Text Message – send a text message (if enabled) to the volunteer
Change Status – change the status of the volunteer
Archive – archive the volunteer’s profile
Remove – remove the volunteer’s profile from your organization
List Recent Emails – see the list of emails recently sent to the volunteer
List Recent Text Messages – see the list of text messages recently sent to the volunteer
Optional: Select multiple volunteers, scroll to the bottom and choose the action to apply to the selected volunteers from the “Choose Bulk Action” dropdown list
TIP: You can also access these screens by clicking on the large “Applicant” or “In Process” status number in the “Status Update” section on your administrative home page.
Date Values Explained
You may see various date values appearing on the pages to Manage Applicants or In Process profiles:
Date Joined: date they first became a member of the organization
Date Applied: date their status changed to Applicant
Date Changed: date their status changed to In Process
You will only see one date value on the Manage Applicants page when the date joined is the date applied.
You may see two date values here, but only if a volunteer previously had a relationship with the organization, and was perhaps “Archived” or “Removed”, and then re-applied to the organization.