Add Favorites

About this feature: Utilizing the Favorites feature enables administrators to create a list, of up to 10, quick access links available in their sidebar menu. The list of Favorites is administrator specific, allowing each admin to create their own unique list to maximize efficiency when using the software. 

  1. Click on the People, Communicate, Assign, Reports or Configuration icon at the top of the admin page 
  1. Click on any of the feature links from the sidebar menu 
  1. Click on the orange star icon to the left of the page name in the top left corner
  1. Optional: Type in a unique Name to override the default title 
  1. Click the [Save] button 

Note: Accessing Favorites can be done by clicking on the links in the sidebar menu or by using command keys: For PC: press Alt + (Number); For Mac: press Option + (Number). The number used represents the page listing under Favourites; use “0” for the tenth listing. 

Updated on July 12, 2023

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