When you Edit or View a volunteer profile. The first thing you will see is the “Dashboard” (under the “Main” tab). It contains:
Telephone numbers (including preferred contact number / time)
Primary email address
Next shift
Hours contributed this year along with lifetime hours contributions
Year the person first volunteered
Last login date
Birthday and anniversary alerts (if the volunteer’s birthday or anniversary occurred in the last week or in the next four weeks)
Most recent hours contribution (date and hours are shown. If the entry was made on the timeclock, the time of the entry will also be shown)
Custom Fields selected to display on the Profile Dashboard
Only for Volunteers with a status other than archived
Hours contributions (by month) shown in a bar chart
Total hours (by activity) shown in a pie chart (the top 10 are shown as slices with any others grouped together as “Other”)
Any Badges that the volunteer has earned through hours, anniversaries or qualifications.
There are also buttons to:
Send email
Send SMS (if enabled)
Log notes
Create a Personal Message for the volunteer (the button will be “red” if there is not currently a personal message, otherwise it will be “green”)