If a volunteer can’t log hours or start a timeclock for one (or all) of your activities, you can check:
Not associated with your organization: only volunteers associated with your organization would be able to log hours
Logging on with the wrong username: the volunteer may have multiple usernames and has logged on with the wrong one
Organization settings: general volunteer settings may prevent volunteers from logging hours in their profile or via the timeclock
Volunteer profile settings: miscellaneous settings in a volunteer’s profile may prevent them from logging hours in their profile or via the timeclock
Not assigned to Activity / Activity visibility: activities may not be visible to the volunteer and/or they have not been assigned to any activities (or that activity)
Show all activities: if logging hours on the timeclock, by clicking the [Show All Activities] button at the bottom of the timeclock page, additional visible activities would be shown
Volunteers on the clock: if logging hours on the timeclock, volunteers will not be able to start a timeclock if they are already running a timeclock