Abbreviations are used in many places throughout the Better Impact software.
Tip: You can see the meaning of the abbreviations by hovering your cursor over it, it will show you the entire word(s).
ADM = Administrator
AS = Assigned
BL = Back Up List
CO = Confirmed
CLI = Client
DB = Profile Dashboard
DNR = Donor
F = Number of Future shifts Signups
GS = Group Size (If you have group scheduling enabled)
MEM = Member
MIP = My Impact Page
MN = Minimum Number of Volunteers
MX = Maximum Number of Volunteers
O = Has an Overlapping Assignments
P = My Impact Page
Q = Qualified
R/W = Read / Write without approval
R/W + = Read / Write with approval
SG = Scheduling Gap
SU = Signed Up
T = Already Scheduled for this day
V1, 2 or 3 = Volunteer 1, 2 or 3 (referring to application form)
VOL = Volunteer
Where do these abbreviations appear?
Better Impact has 5 modules that can be added to a user's profile, according to your specific account. These abbreviations can show up when setting up Custom Fields, for example.
On Assignment
Shift related abbreviations:
On the assign window:
You'll find that under the Configuration menu, Custom Fields and Qualifications have a Permissions and a Displays on column, along with General Interests under Recruitment that shows this last one as well.
There, you can find the following abbreviations: