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Managing Overlapping Shifts and Double Bookings
Managing Overlapping Shifts and Double Bookings
Updated over 4 months ago

IMPORTANT: If you have enabled alerts for double bookings and are assigning multiple volunteers to a shift (from the Scheduled List), you will be warned of the overlap, but you’ll still be able to assign the volunteers.

About this feature: Administrators will see a checkmark if a shift overlaps with something the volunteer is already scheduled for. You can click on the “Overlap” checkmark to see the details of the overlap, or the “Today” checkmark to see the volunteer’s assignments for that day.

Follow the instructions below when a selected shift overlaps with an existing assignment:

Assigning One Volunteer From the Scheduled List

  1. Go to: Assign >> From Volunteer Profile in the sidebar menu

  2. Search for the desired profile

  3. In the Search Results section, mouse over the Options icon beside the person’s name

  4. Click on “Edit”

  5. Click on the “Assign” tab

  6. For long activity lists, use the filters in the top panel and click the green [Filter Activities] button

  7. Click on the name of the desired Activity. If there’s an overlap, you’ll see a checkmark in the Overlap column

  8. If you would like to proceed with the double booking, check the box in the “As” column for the shift

  9. Click the [Save] button to assign the volunteer

  10. Click the [Close] button when you are done

Assigning Multiple Volunteers From the Scheduled List

  1. Go to: Assign >> From Scheduled List in the sidebar menu

  2. Optional: For long activity lists, use the filters in the top panel and click the green [Filter Activities] button

  3. Click on the name of the activity; an ‘Assign Volunteers’ window will open

  4. Filters: Select any applicable filters to display a list of candidates for the shift

  5. Click the [Search] button. You can make these your default filters to be used

  6. Check the box beside each volunteer you wish to assign

  7. Scroll down and click the [Assign Selected] button

  8. If there’s an overlap, the volunteer’s name will be highlighted in red colour on the “Assign Volunteers” list

    • In the “Double Booking Detected” window, you’ll see which volunteers do / do not have overlapping assignments

    • To see the overlap information, click the green View Overlapping Assignments button to the left of the volunteer’s name

  9. Click on the [Assign selected volunteers] or [Assign volunteers without overlap only] button

Assigning a Volunteer From Their Profile

  1. Click the person icon at the top of the screen and type the volunteer’s name into the Quick Search

  2. Click on the volunteer’s name from the list that appears

  3. Open the “Assign” tab

  4. For long activity lists, use the filters in the top panel and click the green [Filter Activities] button

  5. Click on the name to the desired scheduled activity

  6. Check the “As” box for each shift you want to assign the volunteer to

  7. Click the [Save] button

  8. If there’s an overlap, the shift will be highlighted in a light red colour.

    • In the “Double Booking Detected” window, you’ll see which shifts do / do not overlapping assignments.

    • To see the overlap information, click the green View Overlapping Assignments button to the left of the date

  9. Click on the [Submit selected shifts] or [Only submit shifts without overlap] button

Overlapping Shifts Volunteer View

If a volunteer clicks on a scheduled activity in their “OPPORTUNITIES” tab, an [Overlap] button will be displayed beside any shifts that overlap with their current assignments.

The volunteer can click on the [Overlap] button to see the details of the overlap.

If the “Prevent volunteers from signing up for shifts that overlap with their existing assignments” option has been selected, by an admin in the organization’s Schedule Settings, the volunteer will be prevented from signing up for overlapping shifts.

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