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Importing Historical Donations

All the information you need to import donation information.

Updated over 2 months ago

Column Definitions for Donations Import

All columns listed below must be included in your spreadsheet. Columns where a value is required are marked with an asterisk (*).

  • *DatabaseUserId: the unique ID for the donor profile (found in the Personal Profile Raw Data report). NOTE: The donor profile must already exist in your organization

  • *FirstName: first name of the donor

  • *LastName: last name of the donor

  • NameForReceipt: donor’s name, as it should appear on a receipt (default: first name and last name). If RecieptAllowed is set to Y, then this is a required field.

  • *DonationDate: date of donation, consistently and fully formatted (month, day and year)

  • *DonationAmount: numeric, the amount of the donation

  • IneligibleDonationAmount: numeric, the portion of the donation that is deemed as an “ineligible amount” (if the donor receives an advantage)

  • GiftAid: TRUE or FALSE, to indicate if the UK tax incentive is to be used (applicable only in the UK)

  • InKindDescription: description of donation if an “in kind” donation has been made

  • AdvantageDescription: Enter the advantage description for the ineligible donation amount

  • AppraisedBy: name of the person who determined the fair market value for an in-kind donation

  • AppraiserAddress: Enter the address of the appraiser

  • *Program: name of existing Donation Program (maximum 50 characters)

  • *Source: name of existing Donation Source (maximum 100 characters)

  • *Type: name of existing Donation Type (maximum 100 characters)

  • Comments: any comments about the donation

  • *ReceiptAllowed: Y or N, to indicate if a Donation Receipt can be generated when a donation is recorded online by an administrator. If ReceiptAllowed is set to Y, then NameForReceipt MUST have a value as well.

Sample Spreadsheet

A sample spreadsheet for donations can be downloaded here:

Preparing Your Donor Data for Import

Better Impact staff can import the “standard” contact information for your donors into Donor Impact if you provide it to us in an Excel spreadsheet formatted as required. Please review the “Importing Donor Profiles” article.

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