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Donor Reports

Learn all about the different donor report options available on Better Impact.

Updated over 8 months ago

If you need to report on your Donors' activity, you will find that there are several report options available for you.

Standard Donor Reports

Donations by Program
Displays and graphs the donation amounts and the number of donors contributing donations for each Donation Program.

Donations by Source
Displays and graphs the donation amounts and the number of donors contributing donations for each Donation Source.

Donations by Type
Displays and graphs the donation amounts and the number of donors contributing donations for each Donation Type.

  1. Go to: Reports >> Donor Reports

  2. Select the desired report to run

    1. Donations by Program

    2. Donations by Source

    3. Donations by Type

  3. Optional: Click on Report on a Specific group if you need to choose the volunteer statuses you want to report on or add search criteria.

  4. Select the desired Export File Format

  5. Select the desired Paper Size

  6. Select the Sort order from the dropdown list

  7. Select the Date Range

  8. Click either the [View Report] button to see it on the screen or the [Export Report] button to export

Donor Trend Analysis Reports

Donations Trend
Illustrates the change in donation levels (donation amounts, number of donors) over the course of a 12 month period.

Donation Meta Trend
Compares total donations and number of donors along with totals by program, source, and/or type over a custom date range up to 24 months.

Donations Trend

  1. Go to: Reports, then click on “Donations Trend” found in the sidebar under Donor Reports

  2. Optional: Click on Report on a Specific group if you need to choose the volunteer statuses you want to report on or add search criteria.

  3. Select the desired Export File Format

  4. Select the desired Paper Size

  5. Select the Date Range

  6. Click either the [View Report] button to see it on the screen or the [Export Report] button to export

Donations Meta Trend

  1. Go to: Reports, then click on “Donations Meta Trend” found in the sidebar under Donor Reports

  2. Select the Start Date and Number of Months

  3. Click the [Filter] button

  4. For this interactive report, you can select components to include in the chart by mousing over the component:

    • [+] Add to Chart

    • [-] Remove from the Chart

  5. Click the Chart Options menu icon in the upper right corner to:

    • Change Chart Type (Line, Column)

    • Download Chart (PDF, JPG, PNG, SVG)

  6. Click the desired button at the bottom to export your numeric results to either a CSV file or an XLSX file

Tip: You can also click on the [Clear Selections] button to clear your currently selected options and start building your report again.

Raw Data Donations Reports

Donations Raw Data
View donation entries or export to Excel for additional filtering or manipulation.

Donation Subscriptions Raw Data
View donation subscriptions or export to Excel for additional filtering or manipulation.

Donations Raw Data

  1. Go to: Reports, then click on “Donations Raw Data” found in the sidebar under Donor Reports

  2. Optional: Click on Report on a Specific group if you need to choose the volunteer statuses you want to report on or add search criteria.

  3. Select the desired Report Settings:

    • Donation Date (from/to date range when the donation was made)

    • Date Created (from/to date range when the donation was entered)

    • Sort (donation date ascending/descending, donation amount ascending/descending, donor name)

    • Export File format (XLSX, XLS, CSV, TXT)

  4. Select the desired Columns to Include:

    • Basic Fields: information about the donation

    • Audit Fields: information about when the donation was created and by whom

    • Data Link Fields: information about the donation needed to link data in this export with a donor profile export

  5. Optional: Click [Save This Report], to name and save your report for future use

    • Name the search (200 characters maximum)

    • Optional: Enter a Description

    • Click the [Save] button

  6. Click either the [View Donations] button to see it on the screen or the [Export Donations] button to export

Donation Subscriptions Raw Data

  1. Go to: Reports, then click on “Donation Subscriptions Raw Data Report” found in the sidebar under Donor Reports

  2. Optional: Click on Report on a Specific group if you need to choose the volunteer statuses you want to report on or add search criteria.

  3. Optional: Select Date Created date range

  4. Optional: Select the Status of the subscription

  5. Select the Sort order from the dropdown list

  6. Select the desired Export File Format

  7. By default, we have selected the most commonly used columns in an export.

    • If not visible, click the [+] in the “Columns to Include” header to view and change selections

  8. Optional: Click [Save This Report], to name and save your report for future use

    • Name the report (200 characters maximum)

    • Optional: Enter a Description

    • Click the [Save] button

  9. Click either the [View Subscriptions] button to see it on screen, or the [Export Subscriptions] button to export the file.

Individual Donor Reports

Finding the Donor

You can write the users' name on the quick search bar:

Tip: The search bar will only give you up to 10 results and will not show you archived volunteers.

If you want to report on an archived donor or run a more specific search, you'll need to search on the People menu.

  1. Go to People >> Search;

  2. Select the Module and Statuses you want to include;

  3. Optional: Add a Search Criteria;

  4. Click Search

Summary of Donations

  1. Open the Donors' profile

  2. Click on the “Reports” tab

  3. Click on the “Reports” sub-tab

  4. The “Summary” section shows the donor’s “Lifetime Donations”, donations for the current year, and identifies the year they first donated

Customizable Raw Data Donations Reports

  1. Open the Donors' profile

  2. Click on the “Reports” tab

  3. Click on the “Raw Data” sub-tab

  4. Scroll down to the “Donations Raw Data” header

  5. Optional: enter the Donation Date and/or Date Created

  6. Select the Sort order from the dropdown list

  7. Select the desired Export File Format

  8. Click on the header “Columns to include” to select what information to include in your export. By default, we have selected the most common used in an export

  9. Optional: If you typically run a donation export with these column selections, you can make them your defaults for the next time you run this report, by selecting the checkbox

  10. Click either the [View Donations] button to see it on the screen or the [Export Donations] button to export

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