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Hours Reports

See how to run all the Hour Reports available on Better Impact.

Updated over 2 months ago

Cumulative Hours Reports – Video Overview

Hours reports are essential for organisations to understand what happened and plan for the future. On Better Impacts' administrators page you can find several reports that can help you.

Standard Hours Reports

Go to Reports > Hours Reports

Choose the report you'd like to run:

Hours by Category
Displays and graphs the number of logged hours and the number of volunteers contributing hours for each Activity Category.

Hours by Activity
Displays the total number of hours logged for each activity within a category and number of volunteers that logged hours for each activity.

Hours by Volunteer
Displays the hours logged and number of entries logged by each volunteer.

  1. Choose who you want to report on - Click on Report on a Specific group if you need to choose the volunteer statuses you want to report on or add search criteria.

  2. Select the desired Export File Format

  3. Select the desired Paper Size

  4. Select the Sort order from the dropdown list

  5. Select the Date Range

  6. Click either the [View Report] button to see it on screen, or the [Export Report] button to export the file

Note: On the Hours by Volunteer report it is required to choose whether to include all volunteers that logged hours or only volunteers that logged X amount of hours:

​These reports will require additional fields to be completed (ex. Category, Activity, etc):

Category Hours by Activity
Displays and graphs the number of logged hours and the number of volunteers contributing hours for each Activity within a specific Activity Category.

Activity Hours by Volunteer
Displays the number of hours logged and number of entries logged by each volunteer.

Category Hours by Volunteer
Displays the number of hours logged and number of entries logged by each volunteer in the selected category.

Note: All these reports will show cumulative hours for the specific date range chosen.

Enterprise Specific Hour Reports

At the Enterprise level, you'll see two more report options.

Hours by Organization

Displays the number of logged hours and the number of volunteers contributing hours for each Organization and graphs the 15 most active Organizations.

Hours by Activity Report Group

Displays and graphs the number of logged hours and the number of volunteers contributing hours for each Activity Report Group.

  1. Choose who you want to report on - Click on Report on a Specific group if you need to choose the volunteer statuses you want to report on or add search criteria.

  2. Select the desired Export File Format

  3. Select the desired Paper Size

  4. Select the Sort order from the dropdown list

  5. Select the Date Range

  6. Click either the [View Report] button to see it on screen, or the [Export Report] button to export the file

Trend Reports

The trend reports will give you logged hours over time, and allow you to have a broader perspective on the overall engagement of your volunteers.

Select the desired report to run:

This report allows you to see a breakdown of your volunteers contributions by week, month, quarter, and year, and compare them to the previous timespan.

Hours Trend
Illustrates the change in activity levels (hours, number of volunteers) over the course of a 12 month period.

Hours and Feedback Trend
Compares total hours logged and number of volunteers that logged hours over the course of the past 12 months along with totals for numeric feedback logged.

​Comparison Reports

View or Download Comparison Data

Go to: Reports, then click on “Comparisons” found in the sidebar under “Hours Reports”

  1. Select the desired tab at the top:

    • Year

    • Quarter

    • Month

    • Week

  2. To download a copy of the current report being displayed select the desired Export File Format

  3. Click the [Download This Chart] button to export the file

View Comparisons Data for One Volunteer

  1. Click the person icon at the top of the screen

  2. Type the person’s name into the Quick Search Bar

  3. Click on the person’s name from the list that appears

  4. Go to the Reports tab

  5. Click on the “Comparisons” sub-tab

  6. Select the desired tab at the top:

    • Year

    • Quarter

    • Month

    • Week

  7. Click the […to Date] or [Entire…] button.

Monthly Comparison Chart for One Volunteer

  1. Click the person icon at the top of the screen

  2. Type the person’s name into the Quick Search Bar

  3. Click on the person’s name from the list that appears

  4. Go to the Reports tab

  5. Click on the “Comparisons” sub-tab

  6. In the Monthly Comparison Chart, you can select up to three components to include in the chart by mousing over the component:

    • Add to the right arrow icon

    • Add to the left arrow icon

    • [-] Remove from the Chart

  7. Click the Chart Options menu icon in the upper right corner to:

    1. Change Chart Type (Line, Column)

    2. Download Chart (PDF, JPG, PNG, SVG)

  8. Click the desired button at the bottom to export your numeric results to either a

    CSV file or an XLSX file

Hours Trend Report

On Reports >> Hours Reports >> Hours Trend

  1. Choose who you want to report on - Click on Report on a Specific group if you need to choose the volunteer statuses you want to report on or add search criteria.

  2. Select the desired Export File Format

  3. Select the desired Paper Size

  4. Select the Start Date

  5. Click either the [View Report] button to see it on screen, or the [Export Report] button to export the file

​Hours and Feedback Trend

On Reports >> Hours Reports >> Hours and Feedback Trend

Tip: Also found at: Reports >> Feedback Reports >> Hours and Feedback Trend

  1. For the interactive reports, you can select up to four components to include in the chart by mousing over the component:

    • Add to the right arrow icon

    • Add to the left arrow icon

    • [-] Remove from the Chart

  2. Click the Chart Options menu icon in the upper right corner to:

    • Change Chart Type (Line, Column)

    • Download Chart (PDF, JPG, PNG, SVG)

Click the desired button at the bottom to export your numeric results to either a CSV file or an XLSX file

Logged Hours Raw Data Report

Logged Hours Raw Data
View individual hours logged by date, category, activity and volunteer or export to Excel for further data analysis.

  1. Go to: Reports, then click on “Logged Hours Raw Data” found in the sidebar under Hours Reports

  2. Click on the [Report on a Specific Group] button at the top left of the page to select the desired profiles, otherwise you'll Report on Everyone.

    • Click the [Add Search Criteria] button to add additional options to your search, or click the [Search] button to run your search

  3. Optional: Select Date Volunteered date range

  4. Optional: Select Date Created date range (Date the hour log was created)

  5. Optional: Category: Select a Category from the dropdown list

  6. Select the Sort order from the dropdown list

  7. Select the desired Export File Format

  8. By default, we have selected the most commonly used columns in an export.

    • If not visible, click the [+] in the “Columns to Include” header to view and change selections

  9. Optional: Click [Save This Report], to name and save your report for future use

    • Name the search (200 characters maximum)

    • Optional: Enter a Description

    • Click the [Save] button

  10. Click either the [View Logged Hours] button to see it on screen, or the [Export Logged Hours] button to export the file.

Note: At the Enterprise level, you will see different settings options.

You will be able to select the Organizations you want to include, as well as the Activity Report Groups.

You won't see the option to select a Category.

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