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Timeclock Access/IP Restrictions
Updated over 4 months ago

You can restrict the use of the timeclock to volunteers who are on your network. Enabling volunteers to clock in and out from a kiosk, or their mobile device (if the mobile timeclock is enabled), from only your organization’s permitted facility location(s).

Note: IP address restrictions apply to all forms of the timeclock that are enabled: regular, express, and mobile.

Consult your I.T. Support team for their help on this as it is fairly technical.

  1. Go to: Configuration, then click on “Hours and Timeclock Settings” found in the sidebar under Activities

  2. Scroll down to “Timeclock Settings”

  3. Enter the external IP Address / CIDR Range (both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported) for your network.

  4. Click the [Add IP Address / CIDR Range] button.

    • Repeat process if you would like to add multiple addresses.

    • To remove IP address, click the [x] button beside the address.

  5. Click the [Save] button at the top (or bottom) of the page

Note: You can get the IP address by Googling “What’s my IP” on the device that will be running the Timeclock.
It’s also important to note that some IP addresses can change. Please speak to your IT department to find out if you have a static IP address; static IP addresses do not change. If not, you may need to update your restriction list periodically.

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