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Create and design a survey

Updated over 2 months ago

About this feature: Surveys allow you to collect more information from your users either anonymously or non-anonymously by linking the user’s response to their profile. Surveys can only be accessed by logged in users of your organization.

Survey responses can be found under Survey Reports and in the user’s profile (unless the survey is anonymous). Survey responses do not filter through into custom fields or qualifications like application forms and subsequently, responses cannot be reviewed within a Personal Profile Raw Data report. While it is possible to conduct a search to find out who has completed a non-anonymous survey, it is not possible to conduct a search in Better Impact based on responses given within the survey. To learn about how to view survey responses and generating survey reports, please click here.

Enterprise Account Surveys: If a survey is created in an enterprise account, volunteers from any account within that enterprise can complete the survey. Only full enterprise administrators have access to viewing the survey results. Security group admins and sub account administrators will not be able to access the survey results.

Create a New Survey

To create a new Survey navigate through Configuration >> Resources – Surveys.

Select the green [+] button next to the Survey header to begin.

Note: Selecting [Save] at any point during the process will save your progress and close the Add New Survey window.

Step One: Survey Details

  1. Enter the Survey name. The survey name is displayed to both administrators and volunteers.

  2. Enter an End Date if desired. Responses cannot be submitted after the date entered here.

    • The End Date can be edited or removed at any time.

  3. Select the Module for this survey to determine which type of user will be able to access it.

    • Surveys are limited to one module. If you wish for one survey to be available to multiple modules you can Copy the survey and change the module selection.

  4. Enter any Internal Notes – visible only to administrators.

  5. Survey is active and open for responses - enable to allow users to respond to the survey

  6. This an anonymous survey – enable to keep responses to this survey anonymous

    • After at least one user responds to an anonymous survey, this setting cannot be disabled

    • Anonymous surveys still require users to be logged in to complete it

  7. Users may complete this survey more than once – enable to allow a user to complete this survey multiple times

    • This setting cannot be adjusted once at least one response has been submitted

  8. Enter an Inactive Message – this will display with the user accesses a survey that is no longer active

  9. Enter an Ended Message – this will display if a user accesses a survey where the end date has passed

  10. Enter an Already Completed Message – this will display if the survey allows users to respond only once and they have already completed the survey

To edit these Survey Details at a later time, use the options icon next to the survey to select “Edit Survey Details”.

A screenshot of a survey

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Step 2: Add Content with the Survey Designer

Important: If you would like to be able to see the user’s name in the survey results, please include a question for Name. While non-anonymous surveys are connected to a user profile, contact details from that profile such as name cannot be pulled into the survey results spreadsheet.

Once a user has completed the survey, the survey content cannot be edited without deleting all previous responses.

Note: The session length for all session applies to surveys as well. If a user leaves their page idle for 30 minutes, they will be logged out and their progress on the survey will be lost. If their device goes to sleep, this can also trigger them to be logged out. We recommend surveys are completed in one sitting.

When viewing the Survey Designer you will see 2 main tabs, the Designer tab and the Preview tab. The Survey Settings button and Show Panel button can be found to the right side and allow you to access additional survey and question settings.

A close up of a survey

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Designer Tab

Here you will add your questions and customize other elements of your survey. Pages can be used within your survey to help create sections. Using multiple pages is optional.

Start by selecting the [Add Question] button in the middle of your screen.

Survey Title and Description (Optional)

  • Click on the “Survey Title” box to insert your survey title - this title will be visible to users at the top of the survey form

    • You may need to scroll up to the top of the Designer tab to see this option

  • Click on the “Description” box to insert your survey description

A screenshot of a survey

Description automatically generated

Page Title (Optional)

  • Click on the “Page 1” box to give the first page of your survey a name

    • Using multiple pages will create sections within your survey, users will only see one page at a time

    • Multiple questions can be added to one page. Using multiple pages in a survey is optional.

  • Click on the “Description” box to give the first page of your survey a description

A screenshot of a survey

Description automatically generated

Add a Question to your Survey

  1. Type your question in the box that currently has “question1” entered in it

  2. Use the dropdown list in the bottom left of the question box to select the format of the question.

A screenshot of a computer

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The icons in the bottom left corner of the question box in order are

  • Duplicate – select this icon to make a copy of the question

  • Open Settings – select this option to open up the right hand settings panel

    • There are some additional question settings that can be accessed in this panel

  • Required – select this option to make the question required for users to answer

  • Delete – remove the question from the survey

A screenshot of a computer

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Add More Questions

Select the add question box at the bottom on the survey page or select the question type on the left side of the Designer page to have a new question added.

Add More Pages

Scroll to the bottom of the Designer tab and select [Add Question] under the Page 2 heading to add questions to the second page. Once a question is added to Page 2 you will see an option to add questions to Page 3 and so on.

Question Items

Many question types allow you to customize the ‘items’ or ‘options’ available for the user to choose from. This customization is available for drop-down, check box, radio button, rating scale, and ranking type questions.

To customize the items available for a question, simply click on the [Item 1] text to enter the first item and repeat for all others. Additional items can be added by selecting the + sign next to the greyed-out item on the screen. Items can be removed by selecting the – sign next to the item.

There are some pre-built options as well such as “None” and “Other (describe)”

Choose the Order of your Questions

Use the 6 small dots along the top of the question box to drag and drop it into the desired placement

Question Types

Advanced Settings for each question type are available by selecting the “settings” icon with the question’s box. For example, for Single-Line Input text fields, you can adjust the validation settings to set a character limit. Further information about these advanced settings can be found here.

Single-Line Input - Use the dropdown list to the right of “Single-Line Input” to select one of the following formats.

  • Text

  • Number

  • Date

  • Date and Time

  • Time

  • Email

  • Phone Number

  • Range

  • URL

Long Text – the user can enter their answer is a large text box

Dropdown – the user can select from a dropdown list of options including “Other (describe)” allowing them to write in a custom answer

Checkboxes – the user can choose multiple options in a list including “Other (describe)” allowing them to write in a custom answer

Radio Button Group – the user can select one option from a list including “Other (describe)” allowing them to write in a custom answer

Rating Scale – users select one option on the rating scale

  • Rating scales can be stars, smiley faces, or customized labels. Use the “Labels” dropdown in the question box to customize this setting

Ranking – users can drag and drop the items into their desired order

Yes/No (Boolean) – users can yes or no

Make sure to select [Save] before exiting the window

Preview Tab

You can toggle between the designer and preview tab without selecting [Save] and your changes will appear on the preview tab.

To see a full preview of the survey you will need to fill in all the required fields.

Use the Computer icon to preview the survey’s appearance on different devices.

A screenshot of a computer

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