Searching by Custom Fields: Dates

Note: This option is visible only if date-based Custom Fields have been created. 

  1. Go to any option that requires a search (i.e. Communicate >> Send Email; People >> Search, etc.) 
  1. Module and Status, Communication and Group Filters select status(es) and option(s) to include 
  1. Click the [Add Search Criteria] button 
  1. Search Type: Select “Custom Fields” from the dropdown list 
  1. In Header select the Custom Field Category where the desired custom field was created 
  1. Select the Custom Field you want to use 
  1. Match Type: Choose what you consider a match for your search from the dropdown menu 
  1. Match Value: Choose what you consider a match for your search by completing the date field(s), if applicable to your Match Type selection 
    • You can either search by entering exact dates or by using dynamic dates
  1. Click the [Add] button to add additional options to your search, or click the [Add and Go] button to run your search 
Updated on March 30, 2021

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