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Opt-in Weekly Schedule Reminder

Can you send me a weekly schedule reminder? We sure can!

Updated over 4 months ago

Every weekend, you will receive a summary of your upcoming scheduled activity assignments for the next two weeks and a reminder to confirm any new assignments. This email will only be sent if you have upcoming assignments within the next two weeks.

  1. Log on to

  2. Click on the MY PROFILE tab

  3. Select “Contact Information”

  4. Below “EMAIL”, click the [Subscribe to Weekly Schedule Reminders] button in the “Subscription” section.

If you are currently subscribed to the weekly schedule reminder service, you’ll see “You are subscribed to email reminders” displayed above the subscribe button. If not, you’ll see “You are not subscribed to email reminders“.

Note: You can click the [Unsubscribe] button at any time if you no longer wish to receive these schedule reminder emails.

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