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Feedback Fields

Add, edit, view and manage Feedback Fields

Updated over 4 months ago

About this feature: Feedback Fields are a great way to collect information from your volunteers, regarding their contributions and experience, when volunteers are logging their hours. Data collected can help you gain further insight, into the impact and overall health of your volunteer engagement program, beyond what the hours and total number of volunteers are able to capture.

Add a Feedback Field

  1. Go to: Configuration, then click on “Feedback Fields” found in the sidebar under Activities

  2. Click the [+] button in the “Feedback Field” header bar or click the [+ New Feedback Field] button at the bottom of the page

  3. Display on Reports as: Enter the name (maximum 50 characters) for the field that you want displayed on the administrative reports you run (e.g. Clients Served)

  4. Display to Volunteers as: Enter the name (maximum 200 characters) for the field that you want displayed to volunteers when they are logging their hours and feedback. (e.g. How many clients calls did you make on your shift today?)

  5. Select whether or not the Feedback Field is Active. If you ever want to stop using a Feedback Field but want to keep the data, you can turn it off by making it inactive

  6. Optional: Select Required when logging hours using the Feedback Field

  7. Select the Type of answer you are looking for from the drop down

    • Number: Valid numbers only with optional decimal place (no leading zero)

      • Please note: A “Number” field is recommended only for information you will perform mathematical calculations on. For telephone numbers, membership IDs, etc., please use “Short Text”.

    • Short Text: up to 100 characters (a leading zero can be used)

    • Long Text: Longer text or paragraphs

    • Drop Down: a custom list of choices, displayed in alphabetical order

  8. Optional: For numeric Feedback Fields only, select the “Display on Dashboard” checkbox to display data for this Feedback Field on your “Comparisons” Report, and make it display in the Trend Analysis and Comparison Reports in a volunteer’s profile

  9. Optional: Enter a Description that is visible to volunteers, if you want to provide more information about how to approach answering the question

  10. Click the [Save] button

Tip: Feedback Fields will be displayed alphabetically when volunteers log their hours for an Activity that uses the Feedback Fields. To display them in a specific order to the volunteers, prefix the “Display to volunteers as” with a number or letter (e.g. a, b, c, or 1, 2, 3, or 01., 02., 03., if you have more than ten fields). To display them in a specific order on reports, prefix the “Display on reports as” with a number or letter.

Edit Feedback Fields

IMPORTANT: Once a Feedback Field has been created, a Feedback Field type is the only setting that cannot be changed.

Edit One Feedback Field

  1. Go to: Configuration, then click on “Feedback Fields” found in the sidebar under Activities.

  2. Mouse over the Options icon beside the Feedback Field

  3. Click on “Edit”

  4. Make the desired change(s)

  5. Click the [Save] button

Edit Multiple Feedback Fields

  1. Go to: Configuration, then click on “Feedback Fields” found in the sidebar under Activities.

  2. Check the box beside each Feedback Field you want to change

  3. Scroll to the bottom and select what you would like to change from the drop list:

    • Set to Active: Make the Feedback Fields visible on associated activities

    • Set to Inactive: Hide Feedback Fields from volunteers

    • Set to Display: Dashboard Display is available for numeric Feedback Fields only

    • Set to Not Display: Numeric Feedback Fields only

  4. Click the [Set to…..] button, to save your changes

View Feedback Fields

View One Feedback Field

  1. Go to: Configuration, then click on “Feedback Fields” found in the sidebar under Activities.

  2. Mouse over the Options icon beside the Feedback Field

  3. Click on “View”

View Activities Associated with Feedback Field

  1. Go to: Configuration, then click on “Feedback Fields” found in the sidebar under Activities.

  2. Mouse over the Options icon beside the Feedback Field

  3. Click on “View Associated Activities”

Delete Feedback Fields

  1. Go to: Configuration, then click on “Feedback Fields” found in the sidebar under Activities.

  2. Mouse over the Options icon beside the Feedback Field

  3. Click on “Delete”

  4. Click the [Delete] button to confirm

Note: You cannot delete a Feedback Field that is associated with hour log entries. However, you can change its status to Inactive, to hide it from volunteers.

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