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Administrator Settings

Once an Administrator has access, they can customize their email signature, email notifications, and contact person settings.

Updated over a month ago

Add/Edit Email Signature

About this feature: Once added, the email signature that will appear at the bottom of all emails the administrator sends out through Better Impact.

  1. Go to the My Profile Menu (the green profile icon, or your profile picture, at the top right), then click “Edit My Profile”.

  2. In the “Main” tab, click on the “Miscellaneous” section and select “Administrator

  3. Scroll down and enter text in the “Email Signature” text editor box. You can also click the [Insert] button in the editor to add images or links to files within your signature.

  4. Click the [Save] button

Update Administrator Email Notifications

Important: Enabled notifications, are for all volunteers and all activities. Notifications cannot be restricted to certain volunteers, activities or application forms.

The only exception, is for PLUS account administrators, who are able to restrict the Activity notifications. If a PLUS administrator selects Activity notifications listed below, they may also be added to specific activities, in the Notification tab of an activity, to further filter the activity notifications they wish to receive. To remove the activity notification filter, click on the [?], and proceed to remove yourself from notifications for specific activities.

  1. Click the person icon at the top of the screen and type the admin’s name into the Quick Search.

  2. Click on the admin’s name from the list that appears.

  3. In the “Main” tab, click on the “Miscellaneous” section and select “Administrator

  4. Go to the Communications section and select the desired Notifications. They are grouped into categories:


      • Change in Activity availability notifications:

        • When a volunteer signs up for an Activity or shift

        • When a volunteer signs up for multiple shifts at once

        • When a volunteer removes their signup for an Activity of shift

        • When a volunteer removes their signup for multiple shifts

      • Declined shift assignment notifications:

        • When a volunteer declines one or more shifts to which they have been assigned

      • Confirmed shift assignment notifications

        • When a volunteer confirms one or more shift assignments manually (NOTE: this notification does not apply if you have assignments set to be confirmed automatically)

      • Timeclock started notifications

        • When a volunteer starts a timeclock entry

      • Timeclock stopped notifications

        • When a volunteer stops a timeclock entry


      • Volunteer status change notifications:

        • When an existing volunteer resigns from your organization (i.e. sets their profile status to “Archived”)

        • If an archived volunteer re-applies to your organization

      • New organization member notifications:

        • When there is a new application from a volunteer (this does not include existing volunteers)

        • When there is a new volunteer that had a previous association with the organization

        • When an enterprise adds a volunteer to a new organization in their enterprise

      • Completed eLearning module notifications

        • When a volunteer successfully completes an eLearning Module

  5. Click the [Save] button at the bottom of the “Admin Settings” section

Note: If a volunteer with the status of Applicant, In Process, Accepted or In-active completes a secondary application, there will NOT be an email notification sent out to administrators as this is not a new volunteer.

If an archived volunteer re-applies, their status would be changed to Applicant or Accepted and a "Volunteer status change notification" would be sent out to administrators.

Make an Administrator a Contact Person

About this feature: Allowing volunteers to email administrators through their profile using the Contact tab, is one of the easiest ways for volunteers to communicate with administrators.

  1. Go to People, then click on “Manage Administrators” found in the sidebar under Administrators Mouse over the Options icon beside the administrator and select ”Edit”

  2. In the “Main” tab, click on the “Miscellaneous” section and select “Administrator

  3. Scroll down to the Communications section in the Admin Settings

  4. Check the Contact Person box to enable this feature.

  5. Optional: Specify the contact person’s “Title”. This information will display to users when they are in their CONTACT tab.

  6. Click the [Save] button

Tip: You can make yourself a contact person by going to the My Profile Menu, selecting Edit My Profile, and following steps 3-7.

Edit Administrator Schedule Display Settings

About this feature: Editing the Administrator Schedule Settings enables admins to override the default settings and customize their display when viewing the interactive schedule list.

  1. Go to People, then click on “Manage Administrators” found in the sidebar under Administrators

  2. Mouse over the Options icon beside the administrator and select ”Edit”

  3. In the “Main” tab, click on the “Miscellaneous” section and select “Administrator

  4. Scroll down to the Schedule section in the Admin Settings

  5. Number of Days to Display: To override the default of 7, enter any other whole number in this field.

  6. Display Option: To change this, select one of the following options in the dropdown menu:

    • First future date with activities

    • The date specified (If chosen, enter the date you want in the date field that appears)

    • The current date

  7. Click the [Save] button

Tip: You can also edit your own schedule display settings by going to the My Profile Menu, selecting Edit My Profile, and following steps 3-7 below.

View Recent Admin Login History

About this feature: Administrators are able to view the date, time, IP address and, if possible, the general location of the 10 most recent logins on their profile.

Organization Account

  1. Go to the My Profile Menu (the green profile icon, or your profile picture, at the top right), then click “Edit My Profile”.

  2. In the “Main” tab, click on the “Miscellaneous” section and select “Administrator

  3. Scroll down to the Misc Fields section

  4. Click on the [List Recent Logins] button

    • If you wish to print the list, click on the printer icon at the top right corner of the dialogue box

Enterprise Account

  1. Go to the My Profile Menu (the green profile icon, or your profile picture, at the top right), then click “Edit My Profile”.

  2. Scroll down below the “Update Photo” section on the right-hand side

  3. Click on the [List Recent Logins] button

    • If you wish to print the list, click on the printer icon at the top right corner of the dialogue box

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