To control whether or not the “Share This” option (sharing information via social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.) displays:
- Go to Configuration, then click on “Social Media” found in the sidebar under Organization Settings
- Scroll down to the “Share This Control Settings” in the “Social Media” section and select the desired options:
- Show Share This control on public pages: Check this box to enable the “Share This” control on your home page, as well as any Activity detail page; sharing the URL of the page on which it appears.
- Show Share This control on the home page: Check this box to enable the “Share This” control on the members’ home page; sharing a link to your public home page. It will also appear on the Opportunity details page, sharing a link to the public page for the Activity (if the Activity is visible to public) or a link to your public home page (if the Activity is not visible to public).
- Click the [Save] button at the bottom of the page