Social Media Share Settings

To control whether or not the “Share This” option (sharing information via social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.) displays: 

  1. Go to Configuration, then click on “Social Media” found in the sidebar under Organization Settings 
  1. Scroll down to the “Share This Control Settings” in the “Social Media” section and select the desired options: 
    • Show Share This control on public pages: Check this box to enable the “Share This” control on your home page, as well as any Activity detail page; sharing the URL of the page on which it appears. 
    • Show Share This control on the home page: Check this box to enable the “Share This” control on the members’ home page; sharing a link to your public home page. It will also appear on the Opportunity details page, sharing a link to the public page for the Activity (if the Activity is visible to public) or a link to your public home page (if the Activity is not visible to public). 
  1. Click the [Save] button at the bottom of the page 
Updated on July 20, 2021

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