- Click the person icon at the top of the screen and type the person’s name into the Quick Search bar
- Click on the person’s name from the list that appears
- In the “Main” tab, click on the “Miscellaneous” section and select “Administrator”
- Select “Active” from the Status drop list and click [Add to Module]
- The person is added, by default, as an administrator with no system access. To change this, click the [Update Administrator Role] button and choose an Administrator Role:
- Full: full access to all menu options
- Limited: access to a limited set of menu options, as specified by a full administrator
- Module: access to menu options associated with the selected module(s)
- No system access: no administrative access
- If needed, choose which email Notifications this administrator should receive
- If you would like this person to be added as a Contact Person, checking this box will enable users to send an email to the administrator from their MyImpactPage.com profile
- Title: add the administrator’s title which will be displayed to the member in their CONTACT tab along with the name of the administrator and their organization.
- Click the [Save] button in the “Administrator” section