Make an Existing User an Administrator

  1. Click the person icon at the top of the screen and type the person’s name into the Quick Search bar
  1. Click on the person’s name from the list that appears
  1. In the “Main” tab, click on the “Miscellaneous” section and select “Administrator” 
  1. Select “Active” from the Status drop list and click [Add to Module] 
  1. The person is added, by default, as an administrator with no system access. To change this, click the [Update Administrator Role] button and choose an Administrator Role: 
    • Full: full access to all menu options 
    • Limited: access to a limited set of menu options, as specified by a full administrator 
    • Module: access to menu options associated with the selected module(s) 
    • No system access: no administrative access 
  1. If needed, choose which email Notifications this administrator should receive
  1. If you would like this person to be added as a Contact Person, checking this box will enable users to send an email to the administrator from their profile
    • Title: add the administrator’s title which will be displayed to the member in their CONTACT tab along with the name of the administrator and their organization. 
  1. Click the [Save] button in the “Administrator” section 
Updated on July 15, 2021

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