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Viewing and Editing a Current Profile

Update a user's contact information, date of birth, region settings, or general availability.

Updated over 4 months ago

There are 2 options available for reviewing a user's profile.

You can choose to "View" the profile which will allow you to see the profile information but not edit it.

Alternatively you can choose to edit the profile allowing you to edit and update the user's information as needed. You can switch between these 2 options using the "View" and "Edit" icons found next to the volunteer's status when in a profile.

View Profile

To view a profile use the quick search along the top of the page to find the user. From the quick search list, select their profile.

Initially, you will be in the "edit" interface, select the 'View' icon found next to the user's status listed in the yellow header.

Note: Viewing a profile will only show you what has been entered. Fields or selections without a value will only appear when editing a profile.

If you would like to review a profile from a search, please see the instructions below.

View multiple volunteer profiles

  1. Go to: People, then click on “Search”

  2. Module and Status Filters: select the desired statuses to include in the search.

  3. Optional: Communications Filters”, select the desired option.

  4. Optional: “Group Filters”, select the desired option.

  5. Optional: Click the [Add Search Criteria] button to add other options to your search

  6. Click the [Search] button to run your search

  7. Scroll down to the “Search Results”

  8. Mouse over the Options icon to the left of a name

  9. Select “View”

  10. Click on a tab to view the contents of that section of the profile:

    • Dashboard

    • Contact Information

    • General Availability

    • Custom Fields

    • Qualifications

    • General Interests

    • Committees

    • Classifications (only visible if your organization is part of an enterprise)

    • Reports: view summary information, run reports on hours, feedback, and note log entries

    • Miscellaneous

    • Communications

Edit Profile

Start by clicking the person icon within the quick search bot at the top of the screen. Type the user’s name into the Quick Search bar.

Click the users's name from the list that appears. Once you have the profile open, you will be able to follow the steps listed below to update that user's profile.

Updating Profile Contact Information

  1. In the “Main” tab, click on the “Contact” sub-tab

  2. Update the fields as required

  3. Click the [Save] button

Add/Edit a Date of Birth

  1. In the “Main” tab, click on the “Contact” sub-tab

  2. Scroll down and enter the Date of Birth

  3. Click the [Save] button

Updating the Language/Region Setting on a Profile

About this feature: You can set the language for your Volunteer Impact (and profile to English, French, Spanish, or Portuguese. This is controlled by the “Region” setting in the Contact section of your profile. The region setting you choose will display system information (menus, buttons, messages) in the chosen language, but will also affect how you see date and time values in the software. The setting you choose, however, will not affect how other users see information in their own profile.

  1. In the “Main” tab, click on the “Contact” sub-tab

  2. Scroll down and select the desired Region from the dropdown list

  3. Click the [Save] button (You’ll also need to refresh the screen, if changes were made on your own profile.)

Region Settings: Date and Time Preview

Using December 31st 2020 as the date and 5:00pm (afternoon) as the date and time, here’s how they’ll display depending on the Region setting selected:




English (Canada)


HH:MM am/pm
(5:00 pm)

English (USA)


HH:MM am/pm
(5:00 pm)

English (UK)



English (Australia)


HH:MM am/pm
(5:00 pm)

English (New Zealand)


HH:MM am/pm
(5:00 pm)

Français (Canada)






Português (Brasil)



Português (Portugal)



Updating a Volunteer’s General Availability

  1. Click the person icon at the top of the screen and type the person’s name into the Quick Search bar

  2. Click on the person’s name from the list that appears

  3. In the “Main” tab, click on the “General Availability” sub-tab

  4. View the person’s availability or make any changes necessary

  5. Click the [Save] button

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