Running Customizable Raw Data Client Encounters Report

Note: Information on Client Encounters can be gathered using Raw Data Reports at both the Organization and Enterprise levels as well as within an individual client’s profile. 

  1. Go to: Reports, then click on “Client Reporting Data – Column Layout Report” found in the sidebar under Client Reports 
  2. Click on the [Report on Everyone] button at the top left of the page, or select the desired profiles
    • Click the [Add Search Criteria] button to add additional options to your search, or click the [Search] button to run your search 
  3. Optional: Encounter Date: Enter a date to search for Encounters, “From” or “To” a specific date. If you enter a date for both, you can search for the Encounters within a date range.
    • You can either search by entering exact dates or by using dynamic dates 
  4. Optional: Date Created: Enter a date to search for when Encounters were created (logged/entered), “From” or “To” a specific date. If you enter a date for both, you can search for the date Encounters were created, within a date range
    • You can either search by entering exact dates or by using dynamic dates 
  5. Optional: Check the box to include entries that do not have any of the selected reporting fields 
  6. Choose your Sort preference 
  7. Choose the desired Export File Format 
  8. By default, we have selected the most common columns used in an export. In the “Columns to Include” section you can see what columns are included and to make any changes 
  9. Click either the [View Client Reporting Data] button to see it on screen, or the [Export Client Reporting Data] button to export the file 
              Updated on February 15, 2024

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