Monitoring Your Accounts

Home Page Information 

  1. Go to Home, by clicking on the house icon at the top of your admin page 
  2. In the “Status Update” section, click the “Client” tab (visible if the administrator is a Client administrator and if there is information to display). The following buttons will display the following information about clients in the organizations across your enterprise: 
    • Applicant – Click on the large “Applicant” status number to view the list of names 
    • In Process – Click on the large “In Process” status number to view the list of names 
    • Custom Field Approvals – This will be highlighted if there are Custom Field values entered or updated by clients that require your approval, along with the number of entries awaiting your approval. You can click on it to access that list 
    • Birthdays – This will be highlighted if there are users with birthdays coming up in the next 7 days, along with the number of users. You can click on the [Birthday] button to access the list 

Client Statuses 

  1. Go to Accounts, then click on “Client Statuses” found in the sidebar 
  1. Optional: Click either [Export data to CSV] or [Export data to Excel] to export the status summary information to a spreadsheet 

Note: The number of clients in each status for each organization will be displayed. If you have created Regions, each organization and its corresponding status information will be displayed within their respective region. 

Updated on December 17, 2020

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