Valid File Types

The following file types are valid for upload to your Document Library, File Manager, or a Custom Field (“File” data type), or as attachments in email messages. 

  • Each file in the Document Library and files uploaded to the File Manager can be a maximum of 10 megabytes 
  • Individual email attachments can be up to 10 megabytes provided that the total size of all attachments plus the email message does not exceed 10MB 
  • Custom Field files in client profiles, User profile pictures, Banner Images Badge Images and Pasted Images in Text Boxes can have a maximum size of 4MB 


  • Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx, .xml, .dotx) 
  • Microsoft Works (.wps) 
  • WordPerfect (.wpd, .wp, .wp4, .wp5, .wp6, .wp7) 
  • Quark XPress (.qxd) 
  • Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) 
  • Postscript (.ps) 
  • Microsoft Publisher (.pub) 
  • Text (.txt) 
  • Rich Text (.rtf) 
  • Open Document (.odt) 


  • Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx) 
  • Microsoft Works (.wks, .xlr) 
  • Generic Comma-Separated Values (.csv) 


  • Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, .pps, .ppsx) 


  • Microsoft Visio (.vsd) 
  • Generic (.bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .pjpeg, .gif, .png) 

Audio files

  • (.wav, .mp3)

Web pages 

  • (.html)
Updated on August 25, 2022

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